Sway Bytes: 45-Minute Training

$250.00 + GST

45-Minute Sway Bytes – Training Topics

These are great for short bursts of knowledge gathering and learning together as a team.

The Power Of Choice

Why do good people do bad things? Perhaps they were never taught about the power of choice and how to manage the influence of those around them who might not have the same integrity level. This session gives participants a path for dealing with the pressure to side-step their values.

4 Ways to Practice Empathy

You can teach the theory of empathy, but being empathetic cannot be taught; one must practice it. Being told you need to improve your empathy is not helpful if you are unsure what empathy is and how to gain some. This training provides a cheat sheet for practice.

The One-Page Progress Report

It can be daunting to face an executive team or steering committee. Perhaps you worked into the night to prepare all the data and compile a comprehensive explanation so you could gain more resources, hire for more skills, or make a change, but your efforts fell flat. This session will demonstrate how to report to the executive so they understand the progress and can respond to your needs.

When Chaos Hits, Stabilize, Sway, & Grow

Executive Leaders! Every emergency, disruption, and business interruption follows the same path from chaos to growth. Each stage requires a different type of leader to manage that stage. Learn how to identify the best leader for the job and who is best suited for decision-making rights at which stage.

Building A Digital Leader Pipeline

A leadership pipeline ensures that your current leaders are on track to meet your business outcomes and that you prepare people from the hiring stages to promotion with the right skills and characteristics for leading in today’s digital environments. Developing that pipeline is critical to future-proofing your organization.